Customs Controlled Areas
Vancouver International Airport

Designation of Customs Controlled Areas

Subject to Part C of the attached Schedule, I hereby designate the places described in Part B of the attached Schedule to be "customs controlled areas" at the Vancouver International Airport in Richmond, British Columbia, pursuant to section 11.2 of the Customs Act for the purposes of sections 11.3 to 11.5, and 99.2 to 99.4 of the said Act.

This designation will come into force on the date of signing.

[Original signed by official delegated by President to exercise authorities under s.11.2]

Schedule – Customs Controlled Areas at the Vancouver International Airport

Part A. Interpretation

In this document, the following terms have the meanings assigned to them:

"Administration Office" («  bureau de l'administration »)
means the administration offices/buildings located in the public and/or domestic areas of the Airport, including head offices, regional offices, local head offices, training centres, service branches, and divisional offices, where professional or clerical duties are performed;
"Air and Ground Traffic Control Tower" («  tour de contrôle du trafic aérien et au sol »)
means all areas within air and ground traffic control tower buildings that require special access, located at the Airport;
"Airport" («  aéroport »)
means the Vancouver International Airport in Richmond, British Columbia;
"Apron" («  aire de trafic »)
means a flight line, ramp, tarmac or any other part of the Airport, intended to accommodate the loading and unloading of passengers and cargo, or the refueling, servicing, maintenance and/or parking of aircraft;
"Bonded Warehouse" («  entrepôt de stockage »)
means Customs Bonded Warehouses, which are facilities licensed and regulated by the CBSA and operated by the private sector, where goods can be stored duty and tax free (generally for up to four years) until they are exported or are consumed domestically;
"Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA)" («  Administration canadienne de la sûreté du transport aérien (ACSTA) »)
means the Crown Corporation charged with protecting air travellers and their baggage;
"Carousel Area" («  zone des carrousels »)
means those areas in the Airport terminal buildings where travellers collect their luggage after a flight;
"CATSA Area" («  zone ACSTA »)
means those areas in the Airport terminal buildings where CATSA carries out its statutory duties screening air travellers and their baggage;
"CBSA" («  ASFC »)
means the Canada Border Services Agency;
"CBSA Primary Inspection Line Hall" («  salle de la ligne d'inspection primaire de l'ASFC »)
means those areas in the Airport terminal buildings where the CBSA conducts a primary inspection on internationally arriving travellers;
"Check-In Area" («  zone d'enregistrement »)
means those areas in the Airport terminal buildings prior to passing through CATSA screening where passengers obtain their boarding passes and deposit luggage to be stowed in airplane holds;
"Courier facility" («  installations des messageries »)
means a facility used by a commercial carrier that is engaged in scheduled international transportation of shipments of goods other than goods imported/exported by mail.
"De-icing Pad" («  poste de dégivrage  »)
means those areas of the Airport permanently set aside by the Vancouver Airport Authority for the sole purpose of removal of ice from parts of an aircraft;
"Domestic Only Departure Lounge" («  aire de repos destinée seulement aux départs intérieurs »)
means those areas of the Airport past CATSA screening that are used solely by domestic passengers;
"Domestic Terminal" («  aérogare trafic intérieur »)
means those areas of the Airport used solely by domestic passengers;
"Fire Station" («  poste d'incendie »)
means the buildings at the Airport where the emergency fire vehicles are stored, and where the emergency fire services are based;
 "Fuel Station" («  poste d'avitaillement en carburant »)
means those areas of the Airport set aside to store and dispense aircraft fuel;
"Gas Bar" («  poste d'essence »)
means those areas of the Airport set aside to store and dispense fuel used in ground vehicles such as cars, trucks and airplane tugs;
"International Baggage Hall" («  salle des bagages internationaux »)
means those areas in the Airport terminal buildings where travellers wait for their luggage after an international flight;
"International Departure Lounge" («  aire de repos destinée seulement aux départs internationaux »)
means those areas of the Airport past CATSA screening that are used solely by internationally departing passengers;
"Jetway" («  passerelle »)
means the raised closed passages through which passengers walk from the airport buildings to the aircraft;
"Parking Lot" («  parc de stationnement »)
means the places set aside by the Vancouver Airport Authority for the parking needs of the public and of the employees of the Airport;
"Postal Facility" («  installations postales »)
means a facility used by the Canada Post Corporation which is engaged in scheduled international transportation of shipments of goods by mail.
"Runway" («  piste »)
means the strip of level paved ground on which aircraft take off and land at the Airport;
"Secondary Examination Area" («  zone d'examen secondaire »)
means those areas in the Airport terminal buildings where the CBSA officers perform secondary examinations on travellers and their goods;
"Security Check Area" («  zone de contrôle de la sécurité »)
means those areas in the Airport terminal buildings where CATSA carries out its statutory duties screening domestic employees and their belongings;
"Service Provider Building" («  bâtiments des fournisseurs de services »)
means those buildings housing caterers, groomers, mechanics and other businesses;
"Sufferance Warehouse" («  entrepôt d'attente »)
means privately owned and operated facilities licensed by the CBSA for the control, short-term storage, transfer, delivery and examination of in-bond goods until they are released by the CBSA or exported from Canada;
"Taxiway" («  voie de circulation »)
means the strips of level paved ground used by airplanes, connecting runways with each other and with other parts of the Airport;
"United States Pre-Clearance Area" («  zone de précontrôle des États-Unis  »)
means the area of the Airport terminal building set aside for the use of the Government of the United States for its customs and immigration pre-clearance of passengers travelling to the United States, including both the primary and secondary inspection areas;
"Washroom, Lunch, Locker and Shower Room for Employees" («  salles de toilettes, de restauration, vestiaires et salles de douche des employés »)
means those rooms within the Airport terminal buildings which are identified by the Vancouver Airport Authority for individuals working at the Airport to eat and shower, and for lockers and washrooms to be used by these individuals.

Part B. Designation of Customs Controlled Area

Subject to the specific exclusions set out in Part C of this designation document, the following areas of the Vancouver International Airport in Richmond, British Columbia, are designated as Customs Controlled Areas within the meaning of the Customs Act:

  1. All areas of the Airport where there is a likelihood that domestic workers or domestic origin travellers will come into contact with international travellers and/or international goods that have not been processed or released (as the case may be) by the CBSA.
  2. In addition to 1, above, and for greater certainty, the following areas at the Airport: the CBSA primary inspection line hall, the international baggage hall, and the secondary examination area as well as public hallways and public stairways connecting these areas.

Part C. Exclusions

The following are excluded from the areas described in Part B:

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